Sri Nath Siddha Kavacam is primarily intended for the use and benefit of the common sadhak who wishes to perform certain rituals in the proper and sanctioned manner.
Sri Nath Siddha Kavacam
For Success, Prosperity, Health, Domestic peace and Spiritual Bliss.
Sri Nath Siddha Kavacam is primarily intended for the use and benefit of the common sadhak who wishes to perform certain rituals in the proper and sanctioned manner.
Mantrik and Tantrik (esoteric) practices have a very significant place in the Nath Yogi cult. Such practices lead to the attainment of the Supreme by transforming the gross existence into the subtlest existence. This, indeed, is the object of human life. This book contains description of the methods to be adopted for conducting rituals- Saguna as well as Nirguna. The chanting of the Kavacam, Rahasyam and Suktam in the prescribed manner will surely bring about the fulfillment of the wishes. Those who engage in it with nirgunabhav that is without aiming at the fulfillment of any wish will surely have Darsan of the Naths and Siddhas. Their grace will liberate them from such weaknesses and vices as lust, anger, greed and pride. They will enjoy Supreme Bliss.
A glossary has been appended to the book to facilitate understanding of the Sanskrit words.
Note : Book written by Yogi Vilasnath.
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