Shravan Maas Collection

Shravan Maas | Shravan is the fifth month of the Hindu calendar. Whether you know any other Hindu month or not, You must be familiar with the month of Shravan. It is a very auspicious month and holds a very Special place in the heart of every Indian Shravan marks the arrival of the southwest monsoon in the Indian subcontinent. It generally Overlaps with the month of July-August. The weather is cloudy and wet during this time and rain Frequently blesses the grounds. The whole nature seems very fresh and alive. Significance of Shravan: Shravan is a very special month for Hindus. There are many important Festivals that fall in this month. And above all, Shravan is the month of Shiva. The whole month is a Time of celebration for Shiva devotees. The Mondays of Shravan even become more important and Shiva temples are flocked by devotees from all over the country. Many people observe fast during this entire month or maintain a strict vegetarian diet. Some hold Fast during Mondays for lord Shiva and on Tuesdays for Mata Parvati. It is said that girls who are Aspiring for a good husband should observe fast on Mondays during Shravan. Mata Parvati did this too before she could impress Shiva.