Yoga Danda Stick

Choose from three Designs of Yoga Danda available in the rudraksham shop. Plain Wooden, Carved wooden with Brass Inlay armrest and complete brass inlay work. You also have the option of wholesale pack if required in Bulk.
The Yoga Danda is a T-shaped wooden staff. The horizontal member is bent in the shape of a “U” with a smooth broad edge to provide a comfortable support to the armpit.
Often, many practitioners of Japa Meditation, prefer to support their forearm on the Yoga Danda, so that they can practice japa on mala beads without discomfort. In this case, the yoga danda is placed in front of the seated body and the hand supported on it. The mala is allowed to fall freely from this raised position that it facilitates turning of the beads for japa.
- The Yoga Danda is also used for balancing breath between nostrils. Yoga danda is placed below your armpit which contributes to balance air flow in your nostrils, thus balancing Ida and Pingala Nadis, thus activating sushumna and achieving success in Meditation and Pranayama. Example: when left nostril is blocked, the danda is placed below the right armpit, and it is said that left nostril is thus opened. Yoga Danda is a wooden crutch used as an aid to Pranayama and Meditation.
- In Yogic terminology, a Danda is used to alter the predominant swara of the user; usually to create a balance between Ida Nadi ( mental energy ) and Pingala Nadi ( physical energy ), allowing Sushumna Nadi ( spiritual energy ) to flow.
- Swara Yoga states that during the day we switch between Ida and Pingala dominance every 60 - 90 minutes. For a few minutes during the transition Sushumna flows. When Sushumna flows there is a balance in the flow of air in the nostrils, a balance in the Pranas, a balance in the autonomic nervous system, we experience a state of equilibrium. When this occurs it becomes much easier to practice Pranayama and to develop Dharana ( effortless prolonged concentration ) and Dhyana ( Meditation ).
- Yoga Danda Carved Wooden Longde Staff with Brass Inlay work Arm rest, Meditation Stick | Wooden T Shaped Yoga Danda for Japa, Wooden Staff for Yoga Practice | Yoga PoleSpecial Price ₹1,000.00 Regular Price ₹1,200.00
- Yoga Danda Plain Wood - Wholesale Pack of 10 Yoga Sticks, Traditional Meditation Stick | Wooden T Shaped Yoga Danda for Japa | Wooden Staff for Yoga Practice | Yoga Pole | Longde StaffSpecial Price ₹5,950.00 Regular Price ₹7,000.00
- Yoga Danda | Traditional Meditation Stick | Wooden T Shaped Yoga Danda for Japa | Wooden Staff for Yoga Practice | Yoga Pole | Longde StaffSpecial Price ₹650.00 Regular Price ₹700.00