Jagatguru Yogacharya Shri Goraksha Nathji
Goraksha Nathji |
Gorakh Nathji was the originator of yoga and meditation and founder of the Nath Sampradaya. Gorakh Nath literally means a person who has mastered his indriyas (senses) and has complete control over the five vikritis or negative characteristics in human nature - that is kaam (sexuality), krodh (temper), mad (ego), lobh (greed) and moh (worldly attachment). By doing so, wants and desires get stabilized, leading to peace and contentment within. He believed that God existed in onself, the five elements of jal (water), vayu (air), akash (aether), agni (fire) and prithivi (earth), by which the body is made, become a part of the cosmos through meditation and proper conduct. Goraksh Nath ji is considered to be an avatar (form) of Shiva, and therefore neither had birth nor death. It is believed that Shiva took the form of Shri Gorakshnath after an argument with Shakti. Shakti told Shiva that she had the power to awaken desire in anyone, while Shiva disagreed. In his form as Gorakhnath, he showed complete freedom from all desires through yoga. Guru Gorakhnath Ji had Nav Naths and 84 Siddhas (accomplished beings) as disciples, human forms created by his own yogic powers to spread his message of yoga and meditation to the world. The Nath Sampradaya spread, through the centuries, all over the world. References have been found in the Vedas (holy books of the Hindu scriptures over 5000 years old), the Dabistan I Mazahib, the prophet Mohammad is reported as meeting him, Buddha (6th to 7th century), the kings Gopichand and Baratari (8th to 11th century) were disciples, Kabir Das (14th century) mentions Gorakhnath in the Kabir Granthvali and through all the ages. No Samadhi (tomb) has ever been found, though the caves where he meditated Gorakh Gufa (now in Nepal), Gorakh Tilla (now in Pakistan), and Girnar, where Guru Gorakhnath's dhooni still exists, (in India) are places of worship. He is considered to be ever-existent by Nath Yogis and their followers, and the Nath Ashrams continue to practice his teachings. |