Sri Goraksh Rahasyam
Note : It is not essential or even desirable to know the meaning of the bijas (letters) contained in the mantra given above. The knowledge of their meaning is impossible to attain. This is enough to chant them devoutly. |
Those who devoutly meditate and chant this mantra with pure mind attain what they desire. This is beyond doubt. |
Those who adopt this mantra after receiving initiation in the recitation from a satguru attain yogasiddhi (perfection in yoga). |
I bow down to Rudra incarnate Goraksanathji, the vanquisher of all enemies. I bow down to the mahajati and mahayogi. I bow down to the one who is atmadarsani (self-knower). |
I bow down to the vighnaharta (remover of obstacles) , to the one who destroys kama (lust) and krodha (anger). O Mahayogi, awaken my japa and make it accomplished. |
(O Goraksanathji), you are the whole creation in the form of omkar; in the form of hrimkar you foster the world; in the form; in the form of srinkar you are a bestower of boons and in the form of gomkar you are yoga embodiment (controller of all senses). |
(As Goraksa you protect the cow, the bull, the earth, speech, yajna and you are the seed (origin) of the whole world. I bow down to you. As vidmahe you offer abhaya (assurance of protection from fear). |
As sunsa you bestow peace. O Born of Sunya, (Absolute Entity) I bow to you. As dhimahi you are knowledge and as tanno you are the nath (Lord). |
As hum hum you are a roar, as jan jan you are in the form of jati Goraksa. You are niranjana, nirakara and niranjana atmasvarupa (pure self-image). |
In the from of bhram bhrim bhrum you are Bhairavanath. In the form of dham dhim dhum you are lord of dharma, Dharmanath. O Mahanath, you are the bestower of moksa. I bow down to you again and again. |
In the form of sam sim sum you are Sarvanganath and in the form of kam kim kum you are Kalesvar. As kala (time) you are mahakala (Eternity). O Mahasiddha, I bow down to you. |
In the form of lam lim lum you are Lalagvalanath and as mahayogi you perform lila (acts of divine sport) ; as vam vim vum you are the destroyer of difficulties. O Vimalnathji, I bow down to you. |
In the form of gam gim gum you are Goraksanath who is the remover of all maladies. In the form of jun sah you are mrityunjaya (vanquisher of death) and mahakala. I bow down to you. |
In the form of kham khim khum you are khecari (mover in the sky or one who assumes the mudra {aspect} of the Ultimate Being). You are khaddarsani (who has seen (realized) all six cakras through kundaliniyoga). Bestow on me, in the form of ram rim rum the siddhi (accomplishment) of this mantra. |
This is the Goraksa Rahasyam mantra with which accomplishment may be attained. O Parvati, keep it hidden from those who do not have faith and devotion. |
He who chants the mantra of Goraksa Rahasyam is freed from responsibility of the gravest sins committed by him. |
I have made all efforts to reveal to you the most hidden Goraksa Rahasyam, which bestows (on one) all desired rewards. |
Being a recipient of Guru Goraksanath's grace you would be respected by all. Sri Guru Goraksa is every form in this world and the whole world is in him. |
I bow down to the Paramyogi Visvarupa Goraksanathji. |
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