Indra's Mala

Rare Rudraksha combination mala (1 to 14 Mukhi) with Rare Rudraksha - Yantra Locket.
Unlocked the true potential of Rudraksha for showering of blessings into your life.
As per the description found in the Handwritten scripture; we at Rudraksham made one of the most powerful combination of Rudraksha in the form of Indra's Mala. This Mala consists of finest quality Nepalese Rudraksha beads from 1 to 14 Mukhi. These Rudraksha are purified, sanctified and charged (Siddhi) by our Gurudev on auspicious occasion. A rare possession; this Mala can change one's life by giving success in all the directions.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha
The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of UKAR i.e. which is formless, depthless, shadow less, Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity who has created this entire world. The one Mukhi Rudraksha belongs to Shiv UKAR and keeps the balance of the entire universe. Read more
2 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepali
The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Chandra and Surya (Swar ie; left and right Naadi). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi (method of purification & charging with Mantra) will always accompanied by two Deva i.e. Surya Deva and Chandra Deva. Read more
3 Mukhi Rudraksha
3 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Three Deva i.e. (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi will always get the blessings of three powers and accompanied by three Deva. Read more
4 Mukhi Rudraksha
4 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of four Veda. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi will get the knowledge of four Vedas. This Rudraksha removes laziness, excess sleeps, and problem of unwanted dreams. Read more
5 Mukhi Rudraksha
5 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Five Pandava. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi will become extraordinary in all field i.e. Intelligence, strength, business, money, devotion to shiva, beauty, smell, touch, words, devotion to parents, wife, sons, truthful, love etc. Read more
6 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha is related to Six Darshan. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper will have Darshan of six Deva in his Body. This Rudraksha give the knowledge of Soul to the wearer. Read more
7 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha is related to Seven Seas the person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi will remain contented like the seven seas. He does not desire for more and runs each and every work in his available resources. Read more
8 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha is like eight mountains and has power of mountains. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi become free from the sorrow of all the eight Prahar ( 24 Hrs of the Day is divided in eight portions called Prahar) and get all the Happiness. Read more
9 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha is related to Nau Kuli Naag (Nine Cobra). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi get all the fronts open for him in the passage of success. This Rudraksha belongs to nine powers and also nine Naag (snake, Cobra) resides in it. Read more
10 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha is related to Laxmi Narayana and represents all the ten embodiments of him. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi get power of all the ten embodiments of Lord Narayana. Lord Narayana removes all sins and the provider of comforts and happiness in life. Read more
11 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha belongs to Eleventh Rudra i.e. Lord hanumaan ji and has power of mountains. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi will never get affected by Saturn malefic effects like Saturn Sade Saathi. Read more
12 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha belongs to Twelve Panth. In actual it was originally 12 and a half path initially. The world is run by Terah Mukh i.e. four faced Brahmma, Tri (three) Mukh Vishnu, Chah (six) Mukhi Shankar. The wearer of this Rudraksha get all the blessing of the above deities and get the Darshan of all of them. Read more
13 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha belongs to Thirteen Ratna (Gems). The wearer of this Rudraksha get the thirteen Ratna (Gems) by the blessing of Lord Shiva. This Rudraksha removes all kind of Diseases from the Body of the wearer of this Rudraksha. Read more
14 Mukhi Rudraksha
This Rudraksha belongs to Fourteen Vidhya (Art or skill). This Rudraksha opens the opportunity of fourteen Vidhya to the wearer of this Rudraksha. The m wearer of this Rudraksha gets success in all of his works. This Rudraksha make the wearer sharp and intelligent. Read more
Why Rudraksham ?
We at Rudraksham have worked diligently for many years with our gurus and yogis to unlock the hidden power of Rudraksha. There are many sellers of Rudraksha today but sadly they do not know the hidden and most powerful methods to unlock the true potential of Rudraksha. A simple puja or blessing is not enough.
Our process uses the hidden mantras passed only from guru to disciple. The entire energizing ritual lasts a minimum of 8 days and can take up to 108. During this time we are deep into the sadhana with full focus and attention. In a short time, you can see the difference between a properly energized bead and one that has had an elementary blessing or none at all. OUR Rudraksha are as described in Shastra with the POWER to change your life.
Do not be fooled by the rest. Place your faith in the best and you shall see the Divine Blessings come to full fruit in your life. We welcome all devotees to get benefited by receiving a truly Siddha Rudraksha at unbelievable reasonable price.
All of the Rudraksha given by us are blessed by our Gurudev